Various machines are used to produce bags. Depending on the case, the user may choose to use preformed bags (on a shaping machine), or to manufacture the bags himself directly on the packing machine. The criteria that will guide the choice will be the type of product to be packaged, the speed, the type of closure, the complexity of the packaging, the packing process (sterilisation, deep-freezing, etc…), the lead time, etc. …. We offer a range of zippers that are fully compatible with the various packing machines.

Discover the types of machines used in the production of bags.
FFS machines allow the bag to be Formed, Filled and Sealed on the same machine.

HFFS – Form Fill & Seal


Horizontal machines allow horizontal shaping and side sealing.


VFFS – Form Fill & Seal
Vertical – In-line


The VFFS machines allow the filling and forming of the bag from the top. The closure profile is inserted and sealed along the neck in the same direction as the film.


VFFS – Form Fill & Seal
Vertical – Crossweb


The Crossweb vertical machines allow the bag to be filled from the top.
The zipper is first sealed transversally to the direction of the film.




Flowpack machines are packing machines that use a continuous packing system to pack products in bags.

Ideal for one-piece products.




Shaping machines are used to produce pre-made bags.


Single track


Find the single track locking systems.

Single track

Multi track


Find the multi track locking systems.

Multi track
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